1,434,149 Clubs and Tax Exempt Membership Organizations Clubs and Tax Exempt Membership Organizations Master File Profile: The New Dundee Data Clubs and Tax Exempt Membership Organizations File are sourced from government records. The Clubs and Tax Exempt Membership Organizations database allows you to reach nonprofit tax exempt clubs, civic organizations, foundations, associations, societies, religious and […]
Let’s talk about your own customer list or database. So many times we try and go after new customer/prospects. We are always on the hunt for the fruit that’s way up in the trees. Maybe we should start to go after the low hanging fruit because we have a gold mine already waiting for us. […]
After trying a multitude data sources and lead vendors with very limited success it was suggested I speak to Dundee Data. After some consideration I took the plunge and purchased a marketing list that was customized for my target market. The results were awesome quality business poured in and for the first time I was […]
Billionaire investor Warren Buffett recently wrote to his shareholders, “Commentary about the housing crisis often ignores the crucial fact that most foreclosures do not occur because a house is worth less than its mortgage (so-called ‘upside-down’ loans). Rather, foreclosures take place because borrowers can’t pay the monthly payment that they agreed to pay.” Due to […]