It’s that time of year when we all start seeing red, white and blue and singing patriotic songs. The evenings are filled with brightly lit skies filled with beautiful fireworks! Everyone is talking about what they will be doing on the 4th to celebrate! People will spend a ton of money on fireworks that will […]
Targeted mailing lists are not just for gaining new customers, but for reaching out to current customers, as well. Making contact with current customers through direct mailings often produces a higher response rate than that of new prospects. Because the customer is already familiar with the company, its services and staff, the contact could prompt […]
In today’s economy, companies are cutting back on their marketing dollars and trying to figure out ways to still market, but more efficiently. One of the best ways to be more efficient is to understand who your customers are. Customer profiling can do this for you. By taking your current customer database and appending demographic […]