Dundee Data’s auto data file offers auto related information that no other file on the market today can. Our mailing list of over 200 Million Records provides the most accurate vehicle information, such as owner, address, make, model and year.
Aim your advertisements and specials directly to potential customers by using their precise and detailed vehicle information! We also service insurance agents nationwide with our “double list process,” you can get actual auto information AND home value – target the consumer with multiple products! This product can also be extremely effective for auto advertising and marketing agencies pinpointing dealer’s needs for service as well as new car promotions.
Dundee Data’s auto file consists of actual vehicle information that is put through an in-depth verification process allowing us to capture the best possible data. Above that, the file includes Title date information, which makes the data even more precise, especially if you are selling pre-owned automobiles. The file is also updated through NCOA on a regular basis making its current deliverability rate better than 96%. The data can be selected by any choice (Make, Model, Year, and Title Date).
The Shelby Act applies to information obtained from the state, such as DMV, etc. Dundee Data’s auto file is not DMV data, and is not purchased from the state. This data is compiled from many sources, and run through a series of verification processes to capture the most accurate information available and is in full compliance with the DPPA and Shelby Act.
Call or email us for specifics on our ‘auto title data marketing lists’, or for more info about every direct marketing service we offer. We are always ready to help. Our passion is to work with our clients on any phase of their promotional activity that can assure accurate, targeted efforts.