125,919 Dental Assistants
Dental Assistants Master File Profile:
Dental Assistants have many tasks, ranging from patient care to record keeping, in a dental office. Their duties vary by the dentists’ offices where they work.
Dental Assistants work with patients to make them comfortable in the dental chair and to prepare them for treatments and procedures. Dental Assistants are very important to the Dentists helping with sterilizing dental instruments, preparing the work area for patient treatment by setting out instruments and materials. They also instruct patients in proper dental hygiene, process x rays and do lab tasks under the direction of a dentist. In some cases the Dental Assistant will help maintain dental records, schedule patient appointments, and work with patients on billing and payment
Dental Assistants Master File Highlights:
Dundee Data offers direct marketers access to a listing of Licensed Dental Assistants by age, income, gender, mail order buyer data, telephone numbers, email addresses, and much more…
Dental Assistants 125,919 Email Addresses 101,231
Market Method:
Dental Assistants median annual wage is approximately $34,000. Dental Assistants are excellent prospects for uniforms, continuing education seminars, recruitment and dental publications. They are also excellent for consumer offers such as: apparel catalogs, travel, and magazine publications.