1,434,149 Clubs and Tax Exempt Membership Organizations
Clubs and Tax Exempt Membership Organizations Master File Profile:
The New Dundee Data Clubs and Tax Exempt Membership Organizations File are sourced from government records. The Clubs and Tax Exempt Membership Organizations database allows you to reach nonprofit tax exempt clubs, civic organizations, foundations, associations, societies, religious and ethnic organizations. With several hundred types of clubs and organizations you can select by specific type of club or major categories. The Dundee Data Clubs and Tax Exempt Membership Organizations database is ideal for offers related to fundraising, travel and meeting spaces.
Clubs and Tax Exempt Membership Organizations Master File Highlights:
The new Dundee Data Clubs and Tax Exempt Membership Organizations file allows you to select by Association, Foundation, Classifications, Type of Clubs and asset size. With all the selections you now have a rich data source which will allow you to target any specific segment of the Clubs and Tax Exempt Membership Organizations database.
Please call for complete listing of all Clubs and Tax Exempt Membership Organizations.