Dundee Data Blog > Dundee Data News > DIRECT MARKETING 102


July 24, 2012 • Dundee Data • Dundee Data News

After being involved in the direct marketing for over 40 years, people often ask “what is different” or “what has changed?”

The answer: the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Oh sure.  We’ve had lots of postage increases and changes in the way the mail is processed.  The internet and email marketing wasn’t there 40 years ago.  Social Media Strategies. Lots of regulations regarding telemarketing and email marketing.  New and different ways to pay for products.  The list goes on and on.

But in reality, the basics haven’t changed.

You have to have something to sell that people will buy – right benefits, features and right price. You have to have an offer that will make that product more inviting to the prospective buyer than the other guy’s product.  You have to have a creative approach and presentation that entices the readers in, then hits them hard with what you’re selling and features a strong call to action.  And you have to have a medium that delivers your message to the right people at the right time.  That may entail B2B Mailing Lists, Consumer Mailing Lists, Mortgage Data, Automotive Lists, Email Marketing Campaigns or a telemarketing effort.

Of course, all of these elements cost money.

The simple math, however, is pretty much the same as it has always been.  This is true for whatever type of marketing you’re doing.  Regardless of whether it’s a one step effort or multiple step, whether you’re making telemarketing calls or email messages to follow up mail or running a small space ad with a coupon.  Or perhaps you’re doing simple Post Card Campaigns.

First, how much does your product allow you to spend to get one sale?  How much does your campaign cost?  And how many sales do you ultimately get?  In the end, you’re looking at cost per sale or cost per order.

40 years ago, direct marketers were looking at cost per order.  And they’re still looking at cost per order!

The more things change, the more they say the same.

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