Dundee Data Blog > Dundee Data News, Targeted Mailing List Info, Targeted Marketing Lead Info > Records Retention and Records Management can be capitalized with Targeted Marketing Leads

Records Retention and Records Management can be capitalized with Targeted Marketing Leads

November 3, 2014 • Dundee Data • Dundee Data News, Targeted Mailing List Info, Targeted Marketing Lead Info

Within a company there is always need for more space and by utilizing Records Management companies it is key to this solution.  So how can records management companies continually grow and prosper?  One way is to reach out to Dundee Data Direct for Target Marketing Leads.  But what is the best way to do this?

How about a marketing list that will determine the office size, the type of business, the location of the business and earned revenue within the company?  This would be a golden key that can open up doors of opportunity for your Records Management Company.  Here at Dundee Data Direct we can build a Targeted Mailing List for potential clients or Targeted Marketing Leads for your sales force.  Imagine the benefits of choosing exactly what businesses you want to focus on like the medical field, law offices and even CPA firms.  I don’t have to remind you how much paperwork is generated with just these three type businesses.

Let us help you grow, let Dundee Data Direct enable your company to bridge any gap you may be having by providing you with the right lead sources.  I can help so please call me; my office number is 402-505-8239 or my cellular number at 402-660-1126.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Maury O’Donnell / Sales Representative

Dundee Data Direct, LLC
1306 N. 150th St.
Omaha, NE 68154

Office:  402-505-8239

Cellular: 402-660-1126

Fax: 402-964-1276 or 402-933-0939

Email: maury@dundeedata.com


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