Don’t we all want repeat customers? After all, if we don’t, we are constantly hunting for new business making it virtually impossible for our business to grow. I believe you need to separate yourself from your competitors by providing an experience for your client. Don’t just talk to the client and hope that you did a good job. You should know just as much if not more than they do about their business. This way you become an expert and help them to grow their business. We at Dundee Data offer our insurance clients exclusive Direct Mail Auto List Fulfillment all day long with great results. But eventually they are going to want to explore other avenues. So let them know about new trends that other agents are using to open up new doors. Maybe our Pre-Natal Survey Responders file for new parents (they need to start thinking about life insurance) or our Auto Hot Lead data (those who just bought a car) so you can get to the consumer before anyone else does in the market place. At the end of the day, you need to provide an “Experience” that customers are excited to share with others. You not only want them to remember you as a vendor, but remember you as a partner who offers something different.
~Kirk McCormick